March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day which recognizes the achievements of women past and present around the globe. It’s also a moment for women from all different backgrounds to celebrate each other and promote women’s rights.
At SōRSE Technology, we are proud that women represent nearly half of our workforce. We are scientists, engineers, project managers, product developers, strategists, flavorists, lab technicians, marketing experts, editors, technical business developers, chefs, and writers. We love what we do and aren’t afraid to fail because failure inevitably leads to learning, growth and success.
To honor this day and the many ways women have contributed to our world, we asked our team members to share stories of women who have had a positive influence on them and helped them become the people they are today.
Hilary Brown, Director of Research & Development
I’d like to celebrate my grandma, Afton Currit. We have vastly different personalities, but there is so much that I admire about her. She is an independent, strong-minded, tiny, feisty fireball who taught us to know our self-worth and to not let people underestimate us. She also instilled in me a strong love of the outdoors. Some of my earliest memories with her are backpacking Hart’s pass. She wasn’t a fast hiker, but she had the same speed regardless of the terrain. As soon as the trail got steep, the kids would be huffing and puffing, and she would pass right by, leaving everyone in her dust. I remember being in awe of her mountain goat-like hiking abilities. She also showed us that even though things can be hard, it will all be worth it, and ideally it gives you a funny story to tell later on. She also taught us that everyone should make time and just be a kid (no matter how old).
My grandma will turn 93 this year. She and my grandpa still live independently on 20 acres in eastern Washington. They have a long steep winding driveway, and the mailbox is up at the top of the hill, which she walks up to get the mail. In the winter, she sleds back down to the house. When I talked to Grandma the other day, her biggest complaint was that the runners on her runner sled are a little rusted, so she hasn’t been able to get any speed coming down from the mailbox. I can only hope I have that much energy and life at that age.
Loni Rogers, QA Manager
“My grandma Winnie was an unrepentant feminist badass, whether she ascribed the title to herself or not. She always took care of herself, to the point where she had cut off half a finger chopping wood to heat her house at one point in her life! She worked at Boeing during WWII, she painted, she made quilts, she traveled the world, and she did her own thing, always. She drove a 70’s Mustang GT for as long as I could remember and always took me out clothes shopping before every school year and let me get whatever I wanted – regardless of how questionable some of those choices may have been.
She was always giving of her time and whatever resources she had, to help her community and family. Just by being who she was, she modeled self-reliance and self-assurance that you wouldn’t have expected from a woman of such small stature. I think unconsciously I took a little part of that and never questioned the idea that I could do whatever I wanted with my life and that I could make things happen.”
Dana Perkins, Communications Specialist
“From the time I was young, my mom encouraged me to think and write creatively and express myself clearly. Whenever I needed help with school, whether it was building a diorama of a ghost town, researching an ancient civilization for a report, or writing a poem, she was always there to lend a hand, read over my work, and make suggestions while not completely taking over. After college, when I told her I was offered a job writing and editing for a skateboarding magazine, she may have rolled her eyes — but still said I should take it because she knew how much I loved the written word. A few years later, when I told her I wanted to pursue a Masters in Writing, my mom didn’t ask, ‘What are you going to do with that?’ Instead, she said, ‘If it’s going to make you happy, you should do it. Wherever it takes you is where you are meant to go.’”
Stacy Primack, Director of Culinary
“Evelyn Katz was a force to be reckoned with. She was at the top of the food chain as a successful real estate agent in her city, as well as president of her synagogue. She told me that if I want something, I have to go after it. Always say yes; take every opportunity as a reason to grow. My grandmother‘s spirit, her laugh, her noogies and hugs meant everything. She was there for almost every event in my life, always pushing me to do better and reach for things outside of my comfort zone. I will always be grateful to the woman who taught me to grab the bull by the horns! Rest in Love, Bubbie Katz.”
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Here is our step-by-step guide on water-soluble emulsion technology’s impact on stability.