5 Reasons Why You'll Want to Spend Your 420 With Whitney Mongé

Home > News / PR >> 5 Reasons Why You’ll Want to Spend Your 420 With Whitney Mongé

Written by | April 17th, 2018

Here at SōRSE, we are about one main aim: we want to elevate the possibilities and perceptions of cannabis. Whether it’s making state-of-the-art delicious products like Happy AppleVertus or Utopia Sparkling Water or sponsoring some of the city’s most outstanding musicians — like Whitney Mongé — when they throw the perfect night of cannabis and music to celebrate 4-20, we’re into it.

And, if you’re reading this, you’re likely saying to yourself, “I know this show is going to be amazing. But could you give me a neat and tidy Top-5 reasons why I should go, just for fun?” Well, dear friend, we’re way ahead of you! Here’s why you need to check the show out after enjoying a bottle of your favorite SōRSE product, of course.


  1. Let local music support YOU: In Seattle, you often hear people beseeching you to donate and support local artists and musicians. And while that is certainly important, let this show support YOU. Hang out with like-minded folks on this April holiday and bask in sonic wonderment as if floating in a calm ocean. Do yourself a favor and let music help your night reach its full potential.


  1. Band partnerships: The funky Seattle band, Unite-One, which provides thoughtful, head-bobbing songs will join Whitney here on 4-20. While Mongé provides the rock ‘n’ roll and gravely vocals, Unite-One will provide the wild instrumentation and the socially thoughtful reggae tunes.


  1. You like beauty: I mean, just click on this link and tell us you don’t think this is super beautiful. We dare you! This is the musician who will be taking center stage on 4-20 at the Sunset Tavern. Your heart, ears, mind and soul will thank you. We’re sure of it.


  1. The definition of the word “Numinous: Essentially, that lovely sounding word refers to a spiritual quality that’s always present around you. In other words, the first moment you hear the music from Whitney and Unite-One – whether it’s your actual first time hearing them or not – it will feel like they’ve always been pleasantly with you.


  1. It’s a safe space to be stoned and happy: Isn’t it the worst to be high and be surrounded by people who won’t get your vibe? Well, at this 4-20 show, you will be around your THC kin. Led by the Pied Piper of Pot, Whitney Mongé. So feel free to imbibe and make yourself at home!