Benefits of SōRSE From a Cannabinoid Product Development Standpoint

aluminum cans lined up

Bringing any new product to the consumer marketplaces is an exciting process. First, there’s the great idea you come up with; then, there’s the research that goes into vetting that idea. Once you’ve identified your target audience and confirmed there is a need for your product in the marketplace, it’s time to look for suppliers, manufacturers and the packaging that will make your idea come to life.

Here at SōRSE, we talk a lot about the qualities of products like safety, stability, homogeneity, and sensory and what they mean for the consumer experience. However, many of our technology’s best attributes show up well before a product gets to the end user. These are the ways that SōRSE can help you through the classic stages of product development. 


A fast, easy-to-use water-based solution allows for creative product ideation, and even new product categories. Ten years ago, who would have thought that consumers would be able to walk into a dispensary and be able to choose from a variety of infused beverages like they can today – from low dose tonics to high dose fruit drinks. As consumer behavior around cannabis use changes, brands need to continue thinking outside of the box for the next product to meet consumer needs.


After you have brainstormed product possibilities with your team, it’s time to sift out the winners from the ones to shelf. To know what is most likely to succeed in market — or to create a new market — you need data about consumer behavior, current trends, and market performance of your potential suppliers. As an emulsion provider, SōRSE is proven in market; you can look to our customers’ successes to help refine the viability of your ideas. We also have an experienced R & D team to help you identify complex problems in advance of production. We can help you figure out and understand your unknowns. 

The cannabis market is a dynamic, innovative, evolving place. Customer profiles and categories don’t fall along traditional lines; the appeal of CBD and THC cut across demographic lines like little else. Rather than predicting preferences based on age, gender, etc., we should look to the customer’s reasons for choosing cannabis. Potency, for example, is one of the key market decisions you will need to make. For the medical user, cost per milligram (mg) is the primary value, whereas recreational consumers are more likely to prioritize taste. Fortunately, SōRSE works with both low and high potencies. You can optimize for the market you are trying to reach.


Building an emulsion technology is not as simple as applying existing food science techniques to cannabis oils. Emulsion tech can be much more complicated when working with the 30 or more compounds that make up broad spectrum cannabis concentrates. Even distillates typically have impurity percentages in the low double digits, all with different weights and attributes. The amount of work perfecting a cannabis oil emulsion is staggering. Fortunately, it’s all we focus on at SōRSE. 

For a product developer, another hurdle can be the supply chain. Vetting reliable sources for materials can be time-consuming, and there’s still no guarantee that they will remain reliable. With the regulatory landscape constantly evolving, it’s also important to stay on top of the requirements from state to state. Knowing these challenges our customers can face, SōRSE has developed a network of manufacturing locations and multiple well-established, high-quality suppliers. If something changes in terms of regulatory, we can respond quickly, and there will be no interruption in supply. 


The nuts & bolts of formulation are where SōRSE shines brightest. Rather than having to spend thousands of dollars on equipment and months of employee time creating an emulsion only to have it fail stability testing, your team can hit the ground running and put your focus where it belongs: sensory, efficacy, and scalability. SōRSE blends effortlessly into most water-based preparations, so it’s a good choice if you have already done some development work.


Once you know you have got a winning formulation on your hands, it’s time to put it into action. In the run-up to launch, you’ll be able to generate excitement as a product #PoweredbySōRSE. You’ll benefit from the institutional knowledge of our team, who have decades of experience in food and beverage science, emulsion, and cannabis as you strategize for your product’s launch into the marketplace.

With the edible and beverage categories of cannabis products continue to gain a foothold in the marketplace, water-based emulsions appeal to the values of product developers. They are safe, innovative, convenient, palatable, versatile, and adaptable – and they are changing the way users consume cannabis. When you choose SōRSE as your emulsion supplier, you have a strong team behind you every step of the way.  To begin the journey getting an infused product to market this year, book a call with SōRSE today.  

Understanding Homogeneity, Stability, Emulsion Failure, and Failure Mitigation in Water-Soluble Emulsions

For most consumer beverages, the even mixture and distribution of ingredients, known as homogeneity, may be nothing more than a measure of visual aesthetics and personal preference. This is not the case for beverages containing cannabinoids such as CBD and THC, where the cannabinoids should be evenly dispersed so that the first sip has the same amount of active ingredient as the last. The best way for a product producer to deliver cannabinoids in a way that ensures this even distribution, stability over time, and accurate label claims is through a water-soluble emulsion…but not all emulsions are created equally.   

What Is an Emulsion?

An emulsion is a combination of two or more liquids which won’t mix, like oil and vinegar in a salad dressing. Emulsions provide a pathway to present these two liquids as a uniform mixture. By definition, emulsions are unstable and will eventually break (ie: the oil and vinegar in the dressing eventually separating); however, in a well-formulated emulsion, the separation process can be slowed.    

What makes two liquids immiscible? In the case of water and CBD or THC, water is a fat and oil-fearing molecule, whereas CBD or THC is a water-fearing molecule, so by nature, they repel one another. Most oils used for foods and cooking like olive oil and canola oil are considered water-fearing.   

Emulsions can be found in products ranging from mayonnaise, Hollandaise sauce, and salad dressings to soft drinks, functional beverages, pharmaceuticals, and even baked goods. In terms of creating infused food and beverages, the introduction of cannabinoids to water-based formulations is a relatively new application. Cannabinoid requirements bring an extra level of complication to the emulsion system, primarily uniformity and stability over long periods of time, coupled with managing their extreme bitterness.   

How a Cannabinoid Emulsion Functions in an Infused Product

As many infused product developers know, cannabinoids can be tricky ingredients to work with, since oil-based ingredients are not always easy to add to a product. One aspect of cannabinoid extract that proves challenging is the sensory profile, which can be undesirable to some consumers because of its slightly bitter taste and “weedy” smell. It can also be hard to tell if the oil has been evenly dispersed in the mix, which could result in inaccurate dosing and inaccurate label claims.   

Working with an emulsified version of the cannabinoid extract solves both of those problems. In an infused food or beverage, a cannabinoid emulsion acts in the following ways.   

  1. It isolates the negative sensory aspects of the cannabinoid;   
  2. It enhances potential flavor profiles;   
  3. It provides a highly uniform/homogeneous and stable platform for the active cannabinoids;   
  4. It can be diluted and remain stable in a finished product

How and Why Emulsions Fail  

Gravity is one of the biggest enemies of emulsions. The force of gravity is a direct cause of both creaming and sedimentation, two ways an emulsion can show that it is unstable.  


If you’ve ever had the experience of taking a first sip of an infused beverage and it tastes terrible because all of the cannabinoids have migrated to the top of the can or bottle, you’ve experienced creaming. Creaming happens when the oil droplets separate from the emulsion and migrate upwards. Not only does this result in a negative sensory experience, but it also means the dose is not uniformly dispersed throughout the beverage.  

failed emulsion creaming vs stable emulsion
Figure 1: The beaker on the right shows an example of a failed emulsion with creaming that has formed at the top over time. An increase of backscattering to the right of the plot indicates creaming, whereas a de-crease on the left side indicates clarification. Source: SōRSE White Paper on Stability


Sedimentation is basically the opposite phenomenon of creaming; the droplets to move downward and settle at the bottom. This might not be apparent right away if you’re drinking an infused beverage in a can, but if you’re consuming a drink in a glass bottle, you’d be sure to notice emulsion particles clumped together at the bottom of the bottle.  

Coalescence and Flocculation 

Coalescence occurs when the oil droplets recombine and grow in size over time. They typically form a solid oil layer or ring at the top of the liquid, which can’t be re-dispersed. When flocculation occurs, the forces between oil droplets are out of balance, leading to a collection of droplets grouped together. These typically appear at the top, but they can form at the bottom as well. Much like someone drinking a beverage where creaming or sedimentation has occurred, the sensory experience will likely be unpleasant in both scenarios because of the lack of consistency from one sip to the next. The dose will also not be uniformly dispersed in beverages where these are occurring. 

Ways to Mitigate Emulsion Failure: Measuring Particle Size and Distribution Over Time

By definition, emulsions are unstable and will eventually break. For simple emulsions like oil and vinegar salad dressings, separation can occur within seconds. However, for well-formulated emulsions, the process of separation can be slowed to months and years. 

The size of the particles and their distribution throughout an emulsion are equally important to stability, homogeneity, and safety.  As particle size decreases, the surface area of the oil increases, typically leading to an increase in stability. 

It is important to remember that it is not just the formula that makes an emulsion successful, but the formulation combined with specific processing to ensure product uniformity and safety.  

SōRSE has been intentionally designed to provide exceptionally long-term uniformity, homogeneity, and stability over time. The R & D and Operations teams utilize a number of analytical techniques to demonstrate and verify stability, uniformity, and cannabinoid assay.  

The forces of gravity can be overcome by manipulating several variables, including viscosity of the water phase, solute concentration, and increasing the density of the dispersed oils with weighting agents. While thickening the liquid is likely the easiest way to increase stability by directly slowing the flow of particles, it’s not practical because it can negatively impact sensory aspects such as mouth feel. 

Product Stability and the Superiority of SōRSE

 It is not just the formula that makes an emulsion successful, but the formulation combined with specific processing to ensure uniformity and safety. SōRSE’s water-soluble emulsion has been specifically designed to provide long-term uniformity, homogeneity, and stability over time, which are verified using a number of analytical techniques.   

Particle size and distribution throughout the medium are equally important to homogeneity, stability and safety. Particle size also impacts the emulsion’s clarity and turbidity. The relationship between particle sizes is not linear. If size is the only method of stabilizing an emulsion, the size must be small enough for the forces of gravity to be weaker than the intermolecular forces of the particles. As particle size decreases, the surface area of the oil increases, typically leading to an increase in stability.    

How SōRSE Measures Homogeneity and Stability  

SōRSE utilizes the Turbiscan, which utilizes static multiple light scattering to measure changes in the emulsion system via backscattered light and transmitted light. This technology is able to detect very small changes in a product well before creaming or sedimentation would be visible to the naked eye. It verifies that SōRSE emulsions remain stable for up to one year.   

Consistent small particle size with a narrow range is most beneficial for long-term stability. To determine particle size, SōRSE utilizes a high performance laser diffraction analyzer. This equipment determines particle size with sensors that detect wavelength, relative refractive index, and scattering angle, and gives the user a histogram of size variation. The distribution range given by the histogram allows further predictions and indications of stability.   

SōRSE also uses High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Chromatography to make qualitative observations and quantitative determinations by separating a solution into individual components based on molecular weight and the ability to flow through a medium.

Final Thoughts

Some specific challenges working with cannabinoids include maintaining uniformity and stability; achieving desirable sensory; achieving quick, repeatable onset with predictable experience durations; and ease of use in manufacturing environments. In their raw form, cannabinoids are notoriously sticky and viscus; when converted into an emulsion, they are much easier to integrate into a beverage or food product. With ease of manufacturing in mind, SōRSE’s water-based emulsion easily dilutes in either a tank or individual bottle environment. The two powder forms are designed for either dry mixing or tablet compression or, in the case of the agglomerate, easily reconstituted beverages. The emulsion’s uniformity ensures a predictable onset with near perfect dosing on a consistent basis, which is critical for building trust in the consumer who wants to be sure the product is delivering the amount of cannabinoids promised on the label.    

If you are a product developer who has further questions about homogeneity and stability and how SōRSE water-soluble cannabinoids might be the solution you need for your infused product, please reach out to schedule an exploratory call with us today. 


CBD Water: What is It, and is It Worth Purchasing?

kleer powered by sorse

CBD Water: What is It, and is It Worth Purchasing?

Most of us were taught in science class that oil and water don’t mix. All you have to do  is add a dropper full of CBD oil to a glass of water and watch what happens. The oil will immediately rise to the top because it is hydrophobic, or water-fearing. Shaking the mixture may allow the CBD oil to disperse in the water, just like olive oil and vinegar will mix, but the two will eventually separate. How, then, are CBD water producers able to offer beverages with the CBD evenly dispersed without risk of separation? The answer is simple – emulsion technology 

If you believe that staying hydrated over the course of the day is important, you use CBD on a daily basis, or are curious about how CBD might benefit you, CBD water is worth purchasing, especially since there are plenty of reputable water-soluble CBD products on the market.  

What is CBD Water, and How Is It Made? 

CBD water is still or sparkling water that has been infused with either Isolate or Broad Spectrum CBD.    

Most CBD water brands utilize water-soluble technology and emulsions to infuse the cannabinoids into the beverage. Emulsion technology takes the oil and breaks it down into very small droplets that repel each other, allowing for even distribution throughout the beverage. This homogeneity ensures that each sip contains the same amount of cannabinoids. Emulsion technology can also mask the taste and smell of cannabis, so you won’t have to pinch your nose while drinking the beverage.  

Which Is More Effective  — CBD Water or Oil? 

While CBD oil is more concentrated than infused water, that does not mean it is more effective as a delivery platform for the cannabinoids. In oil form, CBD can take one to two hours after ingestion to have an impact. Because 60% of the human body is comprised of water, it is difficult for the body to absorb straight CBD oil, which is often used in tinctures, edibles, or personal care products. To fix this problem, emulsion technology breaks down the oil into small particles for even dispersal, which allows for greater absorption in the intestinal tract for maximum bioavailability. That means a consumer can experience the effects of cannabinoids as early as eight minutes after ingestion.   

Why Do People Drink CBD Water? 

To understand the potential benefits of consuming CBD water, it’s important to know how cannabinoids interact with the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) in the human body. The endocannabinoid system is a molecular system responsible for regulating functions in the body, including immune response, communication between cells, appetite, and metabolism. The ECS consists of receptors throughout the brain and body that help maintain balance in reaction to change or stress. When consumed, cannabinoids attach to these receptors (CB-1 in the brain and CB-2 in the body) which will help maintain or re-establish that balance. Because most of the scientific research on CBD’s medicinal benefits is being conducted on animals, CBD’s effects on humans has not been as well documented.   

 In February 2021, the Journal of Cannabis Research published a report titled “Reasons for cannabidiol use: a cross-sectional study of CBD users focusing on self-perceived stress, anxiety and sleep problems.” The research found that the four primary reasons for UK consumers using CBD was anxiety, sleep problems, stress, and general health and well-being. In a 2018 study of 2409 users of CBD in the US, the top three reasons for consumers using CBD were chronic pain, arthritis and joint pain, and anxiety.  

The more research that is conducted on the ECS and the ways that cannabinoids interact with the ECS receptors, the better we will understand the potential benefits CBD and other cannabinoids have on the human body.  

What to Look for when Buying CBD Water 

When buying CBD water, consumers should make sure the brand has documentation for its beverages, namely the Certificate of Analysis (COA). A COA will include information on potency testing, which ensures the dosage is correctly represented on the bottle or can. COAs can typically be found on the company’s website. Many brands include a QR code on the packaging that can be scanned and linked to a digital COA. Companies that are transparent with COAs and third-party testing results can be trusted.   

SōRSE works with several companies producing still and sparkling CBD-infused waters, many of which include the moniker “Powered by SōRSE” on their cans and bottles. When you buy an infused water powered by SōRSE, you can expect safe ingredients, accurate label claims, and consistency in experience – all of which are backed by a team with over 200 years of food and beverage industry experience.   

 SōRSE loves collaborating with producers who want to push the industry forward. If you are interested in creating an infused water, book an exploratory call with our team today. 

The New Frontier of Infused Products: Powered by Custom Emulsions

Custom Emulsions Powered by SoRSE

The emergence of CBD has been a game-changer for the cannabis industry. Prior to 2018, as more states legalized medicinal and creational cannabis use, THC was the cannabinoid most consumers were familiar with. Yet when the US Farm Bill passed at the end of 2018, which made growing hemp legal, the cannabinoid CBD quickly became something that consumers were interested in, given its purported therapeutic effects. That also meant CBD became the launching platform for many product categories. In 2019, product designers were quick to develop CBD products for the marketplace like tinctures, gummies, and capsules, followed by beverages, baked goods, and confections to capitalize on consumer interest.  

In 2019 when CBD products started to emerge, the main decision a product producer had to make was whether to choose Isolate or Broad Spectrum CBD for their product, depending on the flavor profile they wanted to achieve or whether or not they wanted the consumer to benefit from the Entourage Effect. A lot has changed since then, as the opportunity to go beyond those two choices is seemingly limitless.  

2020 and Beyond: The Evolution and Expansion of Infused Products  

 The CBD-infused product market that has matured and grown rapidly in the last several years, with brands establishing themselves and gaining a good foothold in the market. In that time, consumers have also become more accepting and more knowledgeable about CBD. These informed and experienced consumers who may have tried numerous products have elevated expectations when it comes to what they purchase, and with each new product innovation, the bar is raised higher. In 2021, the CBD market is poised to evolve and differentiate itself, allowing product developers to take their brand to the next level. The next wave of products in this ever-popular, ever-expanding marketplace will feature custom emulsion blends with ingredient pairings and combinations; this movement will create differentiation in product lines. Given the number of minor cannabinoids, terpenes, adaptogens, and nootropics that could be paired with CBD, the unique combination possibilities are truly endless.  

The New Frontier: CBD + (fill in the blank)  

Now more than ever, consumers are highly focused on their wellness and are seeking out products that feature ingredients they believe have significant health benefits. Moving forward, this likely means that product developers will look to pair CBD with functional ingredients like Zinc, Vitamin C, Melatonin, L-theanine, nootropics, or adaptogens. Currently, there are a number of products on the market featuring CBD and Magnesium and L. theanine. Magnesium is a mineral that is critical for helping the body operate properly, particularly for those suffering from inflammation, as it supports muscle and nerve function. L. theanine is an amino acid found in green and black tea as well as some mushrooms; people use it to improve cognitive function as well as for stress and anxiety. Product developers are also pairing CBD with secondary cannabinoids like CBN, CBC, and CBG and as well as prioritizing products that are clean label – organic, natural, and/or vegan. 

These product development decisions are typically grounded in the brand’s goals and objectives and what the path forward should be based on the customers’ needs. If more brands expand their lines in this way, the market will likely see products with increasingly unique combinations of functional ingredients created for a specific therapeutic effect. For more information on functional ingredients trends, check out our two-part blog post, “All About Adaptogens” and “Restoring Protein, Balancing Gut Health, and Boosting Immunity.” 

Your RESōRSE for the New Frontier 

As brands look to expand their offerings to include products infused with CBD and other functional ingredients, SōRSE has positioned itself to be a full solution provider, as a collaborator in the product development process, and as a solution-oriented, strategic partner. Beyond providing a delivery system for bioactive compounds including cannabinoids, terpenes, adaptogens and nootropics, our R & D team is comprised of formulation experts who are always up for a challenge. When a product developer works with SōRSE, they have the full support of the team to get the product off the ground, as well as access to our certified network of suppliers and co-manufacturers. Through each phase of the product development process – ideation, custom emulsion creation, quality assurance and testing, production planning – SōRSE is a partner and resource to its customers. Take the first step by booking a call today to tell us what you hope to achieve with your brand so we can help make your dream of a new infused product a reality.   

Water-Soluble Technology: The Solution For Personal Care Products

From the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, personal care products are an integral part of our daily routines.  

Personal care products are divided into three categories  

  • Skin careFacial cleansers, hand soaps, body wash, moisturizers, lotions, make-up, and bath bombs 
  • Hair care: Shampoo, conditioner, hair masks, serums, and styling products 
  • Oral care: Toothpaste, mouthwash, and lip balm  

What makes a consumer loyal to their personal care productsThere are a few factorsFirst are the product’s sensory attributes – people want products that smell, feel, and in the case of oral care, taste good. Second, consumers prefer products that are easy to integrate into their daily routine and that are accurately dosed. Third, consumers need a product that consistently delivers the result or effect they are seeking 

 In the past few years, CBD has become an important part of people’s health and wellness routines. Outside of it being a natural plant extract, consumers gravitate towards CBD for a number of reasons, including its ability to address dermal concerns such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.   

When infusing personal care products with CBD, product producers have two options to choose from – oil or a water-soluble emulsion. When weighing the pros and cons of each, it’s important to keep sight of the consumer’s priorities. If the product doesn’t look good on a store shelf, they won’t notice it. If it doesn’t smell good, they won’t apply it. If it doesn’t feel good, they’ll remove it. If they do buy it and it isn’t easy to use, they won’t buy it again.  

CBD Oil for Personal Care: The Problems  

CBD oil is extracted from the plant; this format can pose problems for both the consumer and producer. For the consumer, oil-based products can separate, which leads to inaccurate dosing. The pungent cannabis smell can be off-putting, and the residue of oil can stain clothing. For the producer, oil needs to be incorporated early in production and requires special equipment and additional production stepsAdditionally, while oil makes sense for some personal care product formats, it is not compatible with many.  

Water-Soluble Emulsions for Personal CareThe Solution 

An emulsion is a transformation and dispersion of minute droplets of one liquid (in this case, CBD oil) into another in which it is not soluble. Because oil-based ingredients are tricky to work with, they are commonly emulsified for ease of use for product developers. There are many benefits to replacing oil-based ingredients with water-soluble emulsions that impact both the producer and the consumer. 

Improved Sensory  

With personal care, you’re not just selling a product; you’re selling a sensory experience. A water-soluble emulsion complements common personal care product ingredients such as jojobalavenderhoney, and vitamin CIt does not carry the cannabis sensory elements that some consumers find unappealing, and ieliminates the residue associated with oil-based products.  

 Accurate Dosing 

The potency of CBD oil can vary from batch to batch, meaning loading levels need to be adjusted for accurate dosing. In contrast, a water-soluble emulsion is easy to formulate to a target potency. Because the emulsion is homogeneous, the CBD will be evenly dispersed throughout the product, resulting in consistent and accurate dosing.  


Simple modifications to a base product formula allow product developers to create multiple SKUs. These modifications can include varying the dosage levels, offering new scents via essential oils and terpenes, and utilizing other sensory modifiers. The more SKUs offered, the more legitimacy the products have in the marketplace, and the more appealing the products will be to retailers and consumers.  

 Seamless Integration 

Most personal care products primarily consist of water. A water-soluble emulsion can replace a portion of the water in the product formulation in one step to achieve the desired cannabinoid content while still maintaining product integrity. A process that makes it easy to integrate the emulsion also means that it is easy to scale up. Using a water-soluble emulsion does not require extra heating or equipment and is compatible with small and large-scale manufacturing.  

To ensure successful commercialization of your finished product, look for a co-manufacturer to produce your finished product, make sure your co-manufacturer has produced a product similar to yours. Ideally the facility will be close in proximity to your target market, which will save you money when it comes time to distribute the product.  

SōRSE 7.5%: The Best Choice for Integrating CBD into Personal Care Items 

CBDinfused personal care products are not newbut they can be better by using water-soluble CBD emulsion. The consumer will benefit from an improved sensory and more consistent, accurate dosing experience. The producer will benefit from a seamless one-step integration into the product formula, which will allow for scale and multiple SKUs with simple modifications.  

Create a product that lives up to its hype; come to the SōRSE.   

Request a sample of SōRSE 7.5% today! 


What You Need To Know When Evaluating Water-Soluble CBD Emulsions

For those who are not familiar with emulsionsthey are defined as transformations and dispersions of minute droplets from one liquid into another that are not solubleA great example of an emulsion is salad dressing. The oil in the dressing is lighter than the vinegar, which is why it rises to the top. To get the oil to mix with the vinegar, agitation in the form of vigorous shaking will get the two ingredients to mix – but they will eventually separate.Similarly, oil and water do not play well with each other, which is why using a cannabinoid emulsion for food and beverages is great option for companies producing infused products.  

While it is common for product developers to use emulsions when working with tricky oil-based ingredients, not all emulsions are created equal. While emulsion technology has improved, there are still challenges working with cannabinoids such as negative sensory attributes, shelf life, homogeneity, scalping, and the ability to scaleHere are some tips for the evaluation process. 

TIP #1: Know Exactly What You Are Looking for in Your Emulsion 

When you start evaluating emulsions, you should already know what desired effect and qualities you want, as well as the services you need to get your product to market.   

Do you want your flavor profile to be clean or earthy? Are you looking for the Entourage Effect, where the cannabinoids and the terpenes work synergistically? In terms of dosage, will your product be micro-dosed or offer a high milligram count? What product certifications are important to you – organic, vegan, or kosher? Lastly, how and where will your product be produced, and what kind of support will you need through the process?  

Throughout the evaluation process, keep your requirements front of mind so you get the right emulsion for your product.  

TIP #2Consider Sensory Profiles  Taste, Smell, Appearance, Texture 

Whether you are producing a food, beverage, or personal care product, the consumer’s sensory experience is an important consideration. With food and beverage, if the product doesn’t smell, taste, or look good, they won’t buy it. With personal care, if the product doesn’t feel or smell good, they won’t put it on their body. There are some negative sensory attributes associated with cannabinoids; how you work with those attributes depends on your target consumer and what sensory experience they are looking for.  

Some consumers want their product to taste like the flavor that’s on the label without any hint of cannabinoid flavor, while others like the sensory attributes cannabinoids carry. Knowing this will help a product developer decide if they want to use an emulsion featuring an isolate which will have clean flavor profile or a broad spectrum emulsion which will feature grassy, earthy, herbaceous notes. It also important to remember that organic, all-naturalkosher or other certifications also impact flavor profile, shelf life, production timeline as well as cost.  

 Tip #3Evaluate Ingredients, Stability, Homogeneity, and Shelf Life 

Getting your infused product on a store shelf is the ultimate goal, but you also need to look at the quality of the emulsion, which includes ingredients, stability, homogeneity, and shelf life. These attributes are critical for providing the consumer with a consistent experience. top quality emulsion begins with high quality raw ingredientsAsk your emulsion supplier about their active and non-active ingredients and review the Product Data Sheets, the Safety Data Sheets, and the Certificate of Analysis (COA) with them. Ask how they test inbound and outbound material, if they utilize internal and third party testing.  

When working with cannabinoids, it’s essential that the emulsion you choose is stable and homogeneous, meaning that the cannabinoids do not separate from the water over time and are evenly dispersed in the emulsion. Proven stability and homogeneity are critical because it will ensure accurate label claims. Your emulsion supplier should be able to verify stability and estimate the shelf-life of their ingredient. Ask how they test for stability, and make sure they provide documentation that verifies the potency on the COA.  

 Tip #4: Discuss How Packaging Impacts the Emulsion 

Packaging should be considered at the beginning stages of product development because it will play an important part in working with a co-man for production and scale up. Make sure your supplier understands how your selected packaging will interact with the cannabinoids in the emulsion.  

 Cans are a popular and  familiar packaging solution, but any product developer knows that where there are cans, there is scalpingScalping is when an ingredient gets absorbed into the can lining, resulting in potency loss.  Scalping and other factors such as manufacturing processes that result in potency loss can be mitigated by careful planning on behalf of your supplier and production partners.   

To achieve accurate dosing that matches your label, you need to factor in potency loss early on.  Most producers will overdose their product and account for loss when they begin production. Guidance should be provided by your production partner.   

TIP #5: Choose an Emulsion Made for Scaling 

Just like any other ingredient in your product, the emulsion should be easy to incorporate into the manufacturing process. This will allow for integration into almost any product format, a seamless transition from small batch to commercial scale production, and ease of use for co-manufacturers, which leaves less room for error. The bottom line is that an emulsion that is easy to incorporate into a production process will also be easy to scale. As you evaluate emulsions, don’t be afraid to ask what support you will need to scale as well as how future FDA rulings might impact your finished product.  

Selecting the emulsion to infuse your product with will be the single-most important decision you make during formulation because it impacts the entire product development process as well as the consumer’s experience with your product. Taste, stability, product consistency, dosing and scalability are all incredibly important attributes in any emulsion. Throughout this evaluation process, remember that you are not only looking at the quality of the emulsion; you are also choosing a strategic partner that can support you from concept to commercialization.  

The team at SōRSE offers liquid and powder emulsions designed for easy integration into food, beverages, and personal care products as well as guidance through every stage of product development. If you are looking for a high-quality emulsion powered by a team of experienced food scientists and product developers to get your product to market fast, come to the SōRSE. 


2020: A Year of Innovation & Expansion at SōRSE Technology


2020 – what a year it has been! At the beginning of the year, the SōRSE team was busy working with our clients who were in the process of developing and launching products and preparing for live events. Then came March, and with it, Covid. Our work world changed, with many employees working remotely. Because SōRSE was deemed an essential business, emulsion production continued, as did the support of our clients. Instead of attending conventions and trade shows, we pivoted to hosting and attending virtual events and offering educational webinars to connect and engage with our partners and community.


2020 has been challenging for many reasons, but at SōRSE, there is much to celebrate – including over 1 billion unique views of the articles in which we’ve been featured. Here are some of the highlights from 2020.   

Mary Wagner and Allen Hsieh Join the Board of Directors 

In JanuaryMary Wagner and Allen Hsieh were appointed to the SōRSE Board of DirectorsMary Wagner is a recognized executive leader with a reputable career in the food industry, having created innovative products and developed measures to ensure food quality and safety. Allen Hsieh has over 25 years of experience in business and finance and has managed companies that have generated between $100 million and $500 million in revenue annually.   

OneRepublic’s Ryan Tedder Shares the Story Behind Mad Tasty with Forbes 

In February, Forbes published an interview with Ryan Tedder in which he explains why he decided to start a CBD beverage company, how he discovered SōRSE, and how SōRSE provided the best possible solution for creating his successful beverage line, Mad Tasty 

SōRSE Featured in Bon Appetit’s “How to Find a CBD Product That Works” 

At SōRSE, one of our goals is to educate consumers on the benefits of products that utilize water-soluble emulsion technology. In March, we were able to share our knowledge on “How to Find a CBD Product That Works with Bon Appétit magazine. In the articlewe discuss important topics such as dosing, bioavailability, the differences between different types of CBD products, COAs, and how to figure out if a product is utilizing water-soluble technology. 

First Beverages in Canadian Marketplace Are Powered by SōRSE 

In AprilBenzinga broke the news that the first beverages to reach the Canada’s Cannabis 2.0 market had hit the shelves, and even better, they were powered by SōRSE! Our partner, The Valens Company, collaborated with A1 Cannabis Company to create Summit, a THC Citrus Water, and Basecamp, a CBD Iced Tea. We were proud to see our technology play a part in bringing these drinks to Canadian shelves.  

SōRSE Secures #61 on Fast Co’s Best Workplaces for Innovators List 

In the beginning of AugustSōRSE Technology was included in Fast Co’s Best Workplaces for Innovators list for 2020Nearly 900 companies applied to be recognized by Fast Companyand SōRSE earned position #61 while also being the only cannabis adjacent company included on the list. Fast Company is an influential, cutting-edge magazine focused on “the future of business” with over 16 million monthly unique visitors.  

SōRSE Partners with Pascal Biosciences on Cancer Research 

In SeptemberSōRSE announced that it was entering into a collaborative research agreement with Pascal Biosciences, advancing Pascal’s PAS-393 into clinical testing. Pascal and SōRSE would share their respective technologies to test the cannabinoid PAS-393 in human volunteers; this will enable testing of cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors.  

Donna Wamsley Shares Her Insights on Flavor Trends with Forbes 

Donna Wamsley is not only our Director of Research and Analytics who works on emulsion innovationshe is also a trained flavorist, bringing a depth of knowledge on flavor and creating flavor profiles to her work. In October, Forbes published an interview with Donna in which she discusses her work at SōRSEthe process of becoming a flavorist, and flavor trends she sees emerging in 2021.   

SōRSE Hosts the First Annual SōRSE Summit 

To connect with our partners and share our knowledge with them, SōRSE hosted its first annual, virtual summit in October, featuring presentations for our 50+ clients on a variety of topics on the infused food and beverage marketTopics included: Trends in FlavorEmulsion Customization, Maturation of the Cannabis and CBD Marketplace, amongst many others. 

SōRSE Launches Clear CBD Emulsion 

Near the end of November, we announced the creation of SōRSE Clear, a stable, clear emulsion with a minimal sensory profile. The product made its official debut at our inaugural SōRSE Summit, which was a big win for our Science team and will be a game changer for our customers in the infused beverage space.  

SōRSE Expands into Latin America through Joint Venture with FCM Global 

In November, SōRSE ventured into the Latin American marketplace by announcing a joint venture with FCM Global, based in Medellin, Colombia, which produces organic hemp and cannabis oils. By entering this partnership with FCM, SōRSE is now  licensed to apply its technology to THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids in ColombiaThe emulsion will be branded as “SōRSE by FCM GLOBAL.” 

SōRSE and Pascal Validate and Optimize Cannabinoid Delivery for Cancer Treatment 

Three months after announcing the collaborative research agreementSōRSE and Pascal Biosciences shared the news that they will be moving forward with clinical trials of the cannabinoid PS-393 in 2021 for cancer patients treated with checkpoint inhibitors. This will mark the first pharmaceutical use of SōRSE’s formulation technology in concert with Pascal’s intellectual property.  

Emily Skrobecki Shares Her Experience Working at SōRSE During the Age of Covid with The Business Journals’ Bizwomen 

At the beginning of December, Bizwomen published an essay written by our Process Engineering Manager, Emily Skrobeckiin which she explained how she prioritizes aspects of her job and communicates with her team while working remotely. Emily’s piece illustrates how SōRSE employees are committed to contributing to the company’s success and can adjust the way they work to fit any difficult situation 


If you’re interested in learning more about SōRSE and its accomplishments this year, download our Annual Report that summarizes the myriad ways we’ve innovated and expanded our product offerings, services, and production in 2020. We’ve learned a lot from the challenges we faced in 2020 and look forward to the promise and hope that 2021 brings. 

Press Release: SōRSE Adds Clear Emulsion to Its Product Offerings

SoRSE clear

Seattle, Washington—October 27, 2020—SōRSE Technology, the leading water-soluble CBD, hemp, and terpene emulsion provider for infused CPG brands, announced today its creation of SōRSE Clear, a stable, clear emulsion with a minimal sensory profile. The product made its official debut at SōRSE’s inaugural SōRSE Summit, which was exclusively held for the company’s partners. SōRSE Clear is available immediately for product evaluation.

Clear emulsions are difficult to develop due to the process of getting Refractive Indexes to match. A Refractive Index measures the bending of a ray of light through mediums, with oil droplets that are evenly dispersed reflecting more light. When different Refractive Indexes mix together, the result is a cloudy emulsion. Making a cloudy emulsion turn clear takes months of experimentation trying to match the Refractive Indexes of the oil and water phases.

SōRSE Clear, currently available in isolate, complies with all the main safety and testing protocols, including GMP, GFSI, COA, and FSMA. It contains safe ingredients that are allergen-free and vegan. This clear emulsion can be applied to all product applications, including beverages, nootropics, edibles, topicals, and nutraceuticals.

SōRSE Clear features multiple benefits for product developers, including stability, scalability, safety, bioavailability, improved sensory experience, homogeneity, accurate dosing, and seamless integration.

“2020 has been a year of innovation for SōRSE Technology, and bringing a stable, clear emulsion with minimal sensory impact to market is proof of that,” commented SōRSE CEO Howard Lee. “I’m proud of the work our R&D team did to make this happen. It’s a game-changer for the industry.”

“I’m excited that we are adding a clear emulsion to our core portfolio; this will give formulators and product developers the ability to innovate and to cater to the needs within the global food and beverage market,” said SōRSE Director of Research and Analytics Donna Wamsley. “This unique technology has excellent clarity, minimal sensory properties, and stability.”

About SōRSE Technology

SōRSE Technology Corporation is a water-soluble emulsion technology designed for product developers to provide consumers with a better, more consistent cannabinoid experience with greater bioavailability, near-perfect dosing, shelf-stability, and safe ingredients. Its patent-pending technology converts oil into SōRSE, a proprietary water-soluble emulsion, for infusing CBD and other functional ingredients into beverages, food items, topicals, and medical applications. SōRSE Technology currently powers more than 45 leading products in the CBD space.

SōRSE Technology Press

Jon Lindsay Phillips

